A New Era

At Kalamazoo Community Foundation (KZCF), we believe our community cannot thrive until it is a place where all people are safe, valued and have equitable access to opportunities and resources. That is why, for almost 100 years, we have been committed to our mission to mobilize people, resources and expertise to advance racial, social and economic justice in Kalamazoo County.


Donor-Driven Philanthropy

Here at KZCF, we see everyone in Kalamazoo County as a donor, capable of making a lasting impact in our community for generations to come. To read the inspiring reasons why some of our community members have chosen to give, we invite you to check out our donor update in the annual report.


Increasing Housing Stability in Kalamazoo

KZCF understands that equitable access to affordable, safe and reliable housing is a fundamental human right that all residents of Kalamazoo County deserve. Check out our housing update in the annual report to learn more about what we are doing to increase access to reliable housing for all.


Maximizing Investing Efforts to Close the Economic Gap & Bring Community Visions to Life

Eliminating economic disparities for our community members is one way KZCF seeks to establish a thriving Kalamazoo County. To do this, a new Investment team was established in 2023 under the leadership of our chief investment officer, Josh Sledge. Check out the latest developments of our Investment team and their Impact Investing work in this article in our annual report.