We envision a community where every person matters and where all people can reach full potential. That can’t happen without proper nutrition and access to community resources that help people live healthy lives. There are many ways for you to get involved. Here is a small sampling of businesses and organizations that may be able
to help.
Buying Local
Food Dance
401 East Michigan Avenue / Kalamazoo, MI 49007269.382.1888 / fooddance.net
We are working to build a thriving and sustainable local food system. For us, it’s about the connections we make with the people and places that provide our food, authentic people and authentic food. We serve breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as have an on-site market offering ingredients sourced from our family of purveyors. Being a part of Food Dance means buying and supporting local, knowing where your food comes from, the opportunity to learn and eating well.
Kalamazoo People’s Food Co-op
507 Harrison Street / Kalamazoo, MI 49007
269.342.5686 / outreach@peoplesfoodco-op.org / peoplesfoodco-op.org
A growing number of individuals and families have chosen to financially invest in our cooperative business through ownership. By doing so, you provide a stable future for your natural grocery store and make a difference in our community. Ownership benefits include: owner specials, discounts on items ordered in quantity, discount on non-sale items of one shopping trip during Owner Appreciation Days, voting privileges for elections and eligibility to run for the Board of Directors, active ownership of an amazing local grocery store.
Community Resources
Can-Do Kitchen
511 Harrison Street / Kalamazoo, MI 49007
269.492.0261 / kitchen@fairfoodmatters.org / fairfoodmatters.org
The Can-Do Kitchen, a program of Fair Food Matters, is a commercially licensed kitchen and food business incubator that supports healthier locally processed food businesses. The program provides business incubation services, public workshops, scholarships, connections to retailers and distributors, and more. We guide new entrepreneurs through the maze of requirements and smart business planning by offering free Group Tour and Information sessions, connections to community resources, and regular meetings with Can-Do Kitchen staff.
Common Ground: Kalamazoo Community Garden Network
229 East Michigan Avenue, Suite 340 / Kalamazoo, MI 49007
269.216.9681 / info@commongroundkalamazoo.com / commongroundkalamazoo.com
Common Ground is a community-wide effort to promote and support gardening in neighborhoods, schools, churches and shared properties throughout Kalamazoo County. It is a collaboration of Fair Food Matters, the Kalamazoo County Land Bank, Kalamazoo County MSU Extension/Master Gardeners and the Kalamazoo Nature Center. Our website includes information about existing community gardens, free public workshops, and tools that can be checked out in exchange for volunteer time.
Fair Food Matters
323 North Burdick Street / Kalamazoo, MI 49007
269.492.1270 / info@fairfoodmatters.org / fairfoodmatters.org
Fair Food Matters works to improve access to healthy, local food by educating, connecting, and empowering the Kalamazoo community. Our main programs include the Can-Do Kitchen, Douglass Farmers’ Market, Growing Matters Garden, and Southwest Michigan Community Harvest Fest. We also participate in two local coalitions: Good Food Kalamazoo and Common Ground: Kalamazoo’s Community Garden Network. Please refer to each program or group’s listing in this guide to learn how to get involved.
Food Bank of South Central Michigan
5451 Wayne Road / Battle Creek, MI 49016
269.964.3663 / foodbankofscm.org
The mission of the Food Bank of South Central Michigan is to feed hungry people by collecting and distributing food and grocery products, advocating for hunger-relief programs and collaborating with others who address basic human needs. The vision of the Food Bank of South Central Michigan: We believe that no one should go hungry and we are dedicated to building and sustaining a community that makes grocery products accessible to all people. We are a member of Feeding America.
Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes
901 Portage Street / Kalamazoo, MI 49001
269.488.2617 / 269.343.3663 for food assistance / info@kzoolf.org / kzoolf.org
We are the largest provider of emergency food to hungry people in Kalamazoo County, providing food in five primary ways: Distribution of groceries at pantry sites throughout Kalamazoo County; providing access to bulk food items numerous times each month; a federal program that provides food to senior citizens, as well as mothers and their children (six and under) who don’t receive WIC benefits; distribution of food to local community agencies; and Weekend Food Pack Program, providing resources to children who receive free/reduced school lunches.
On the Move Kalamazoo
214 South Kalamazoo Mall / Kalamazoo, MI 49007
269.342.5996 ext. 207 / onthemovekalamazoo.com
On the Move Kalamazoo is building a network of partners and experts on movement that provide resources to support community movement champions. We identify champions of movement throughout the county who are seeking movement opportunities for their neighborhoods, churches, schools or social groups. We are also a connection point for those who are seeking movement opportunities in the Kalamazoo area.
Senior Services Southwest Michigan
918 Jasper Street / Kalamazoo, MI 49001
269.382.0515 / seniorservices1.org
Senior Services is one of the largest and most comprehensive organizations serving older adults and persons with disabilities anywhere. We provide vital, life sustaining services to our clients. Serving Kalamazoo and Calhoun Counties, as well as other portions of Southwest Michigan, our organization has been caring for those in need for over 50 years. Our integrated model of care helps keep our clients living safely within their own homes.
Tillers International
10515 OP Avenue East / Scotts, MI 49088
269.626.0223 / tillers@tillersinternational.org / tillersinternational.org
We offer classes in animal agriculture, organic gardening, blacksmithing, cheesemaking and other homesteading skills. We have volunteering opportunities in the office and on the farm. We have a Farmer Incubator/Residency program for beginning farmers providing access to land, infrastructure, and mentors and are looking for farmers. Our farmers offer CSA shares and we all attend local farmers markets. Tillers raises grass-fed beef and lamb and has raw honey and sorghum molasses available for sale.
YMCA of Greater Kalamazoo
1001 West Maple Street / Kalamazoo, MI 49008 / 269.345.ymca / kzooymca.org2900 West Centre Street / Kalamazoo, MI 49024 / 269.324.ymca / kzooymca.org
Access to places to exercise is essential, especially in a winter wonderland like Michigan, where fewer outdoor opportunities exist during the colder months. Less than half of adults engage in recommended physical activity regularly — at least 150 minutes a week, such as brisk walking, biking or swimming. Children should get 60 minutes of physical activity per day. Come to the Y, where the whole family can participate in activities and classes that engage the mind, body and spirit.
Community Supported Agriculture (CSAs)
Harmony Acres CSA
6409 South 34th Street / Kalamazoo, MI 49048
616.666.2260 / agropraxixfarm@gmail.com / localharvest.org
Through involvement in Harmony Acres CSA, shareholders develop an understanding of eating with the seasons. They have opportunities to volunteer to assist with planting, distribution, harvest and farm chores. Harmony Acres is located at Tillers International, which offers a broader range of educational opportunities. Our land has been conserved for the express purpose of diverse production. The fertility of our land offers the farmers the ability to raise superior products.
Lake Village Homestead Farm
7943 South 25th Street / Kalamazoo, MI 49048
269.323.3629 / info@lakevillagehomestead.org / lakevillagehomestead.org
Lake Village Homestead Farm is an agrarian educational center demonstrating how sustainable agriculture supports community. The farm serves as an intentional farm-community-nature preserve, where anyone choosing to live on the farm or become a member can obtain healthy food as well as learn to live more in balance with each other and the earth. Lake Village Homestead Farm is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.
525 East Kalamazoo Avenue / Kalamazoo, MI 49007269.459.9156 / eracce@eracce.org / eracce.org
ERACCE provides organizing, training, consulting, and technical assistance to institutions interested in dismantling racism and building accountable, just, and authentic multicultural diversity. A key strategy for institutional change is creating internal antiracism teams that have the capacity to analyze internal policies and procedures and help create an intervention strategy to dismantle oppressive systems and practices. Through this work ERACCE strives to create and strengthen structures of accountability to antiracist communities of color and other socially oppressed groups, both within the institution and in the wider Southwest Michigan community.
Growing Matters Garden / Fair Food Matters
606 Stuart Avenue / Kalamazoo, MI 49007
269.492.1270 / heather@fairfoodmatters.org / fairfoodmatters.org
The Growing Matters Garden, a program of Fair Food Matters, provides hands-on learning opportunities for over 300 local youth by coordinating and facilitating garden activities at Woodward Elementary School in Kalamazoo. During the school day and in after school clubs, students engage in the entire growing process, from seed to compost, and enjoy eating fresh, organic garden produce. We’d love your help as a garden sponsor or volunteer. Please visit our website to learn more.
Kalamazoo County Farm Bureau, Inc.
5950 Portage Road, Suite A / Portage, MI 49002
269.342.0212 / lrobb@ctyfb.com / michiganfarmbureau.com
Kalamazoo County Farm Bureau is dedicated to promoting and protecting interests of the diverse agricultural economy in Michigan. Promotion and Education is one of many programs KCFB and Michigan Farm Bureau offer. The goal of Promotion and Education is to educate Michigan consumers about agriculture through working with children and schools, county fair activities and coordinating outreach programs to educate consumers of all ages about agriculture. In addition, KCFB strives to educate and assist farmers on issues impacting agriculture.
Kalamazoo Nature Center
7000 North Westnedge Avenue / Kalamazoo, MI 49007
269.381.1574 / naturecenter.org
The Kalamazoo Nature Center provides many opportunities to become involved. First consider becoming a member! Join the DeLano Farms CSA and enjoy weekly visits to the Farm to select your naturally-grown fresh produce in a friendly market-style atmosphere. Volunteer! Whether you are an individual or a group, KNC needs you. Volunteers are needed for special events, in the gardens both at KNC and at the Farm, work with school children during field trips, citizen science projects, and much more. To volunteer, contact rnorwood@naturecenter.org.
Southwest Michigan Community Harvest Fest
10515 OP Avenue East / Scotts, MI 49088
269.626.0223 / tillers@tillersinternational.org
The Southwest Michigan Community Harvest Fest, a program of Tillers International, is an annual celebration of local food, local farming, and sustainable living with workshops, music, food, low impact farming demonstrations, and more. How to get involved: preparation for the fest starts in April and needs a committee of about 10 people. More volunteers are needed for the actual event with people needed for set up, clean up, parking, children's programs, and more.
University Center for the Humanities, Western Michigan University
1903 West Michigan Avenue / Room 2500 Knauss Hall / Kalamazoo, MI 49008
269.387.1811 / wmu-humanities@wmich.edu / wmich.edu/humanities
In our 2014/15 series "Healing Arts," the University Center for the Humanities celebrates Kalamazoo’s rich history as a community dedicated to health and well-being. "Healing Arts" looks closely at the link between medicine and art. While considering how these fields come together and support each other, we ask the critical question: How can art heal? We hope that you will join us in a community conversation about the history and nature of human experience.
Farmers’ Market
Kalamazoo Farmers’ Market
1204 Bank Street / Kalamazoo, MI 49001 / farmersmarketkalamazoo.com
Operated by the Kalamazoo People’s Food Co-Op, we connect customers to food sources through honest learning relationships and supporting local food related businesses through a vibrant market culture. We partner with the Michigan Farmers Market Association, Double-Up Food Bucks, and Bridge Card.
Richland Community Library
8951 Park Street / Richland, MI 49083269.629.9085 / info@richlandlibrary.org / richlandlibrary.org
The Richland Community Library offers a variety of volunteer opportunities, including its Teen Advisory Board, the RCL Friends of the Library organization, and the Local History Room.
Volunteer Kalamazoo
3901 Emerald Drive, Suite A / Kalamazoo, MI 49001
269.382.8350 / vckzoo@volunteerkalamazoo.org / volunteerkalamazoo.org
Volunteer Kalamazoo is the volunteering resource center for the Kalamazoo area. We will help connect you to your passion — whether it is serving a meal, gardening, greening your local farmers’ market, or helping to combat food insecurity. You can browse our website for the latest volunteer needs or you can call us at 269.382.8350 and we would be happy to connect you with a nonprofit organization in need of volunteers.
If you know of or represent a business or organization that you think should be included on this list, please let us know. Contact Coby Chalmers at 269.381.4416 or cchalmers@kalfound.org.
This list is provided for your information. The organizations and businesses on it are not specifically endorsed by the Kalamazoo Community Foundation.