Everyone has a heart for giving and should be empowered to make an impact.

Our Understanding of Philanthropy Needs to Change

Many people hold preconceived notions about what a philanthropist looks like, including assumptions about their age, income, race or background — largely ignoring the rich history of generosity demonstrated by Black individuals, women and communities of color. But what is a philanthropist? The truth is that almost everyone participates in philanthropy. If you donate to a local school, volunteer at your church or contribute to a crowdfunding campaign online, you are a philanthropist. KZCF is committed to changing our community’s understanding of philanthropy by ensuring that, regardless of your income, race or gender, you can give, grow and gain access to start a fund that makes a measurable impact where you live.

Welcoming Everyone to Live (and Give) Into Their Values

Created in the 1930s, Donor Advised Funds (DAF) have always been an extremely valuable way for individuals, friends and families to support the causes nearest to their hearts. Simply put, a DAF allows donors to have a say in the grants made from their funds.

At KZCF, we are committed to honoring the giving heart in every resident of Kalamazoo County by fostering community connections and welcoming everyone to see themselves as a donor and philanthropist who is able to make a difference.

DAFs Fulfill This Promise By:

  • Empowering donors to support causes they care about
  • Fostering a deeper understanding of community issues
  • Encouraging collaboration
  • Engaging future generations in philanthropy

To date, KZCF is proud to steward nearly 200 DAFs, held by single donors, families and groups alike, supporting causes ranging from the arts to zoos and everything in between. Our donors are dreamers, givers, volunteers and change-makers from many walks of life, working alongside one another to shape the future of Kalamazoo County and beyond.