The Kalamazoo Community Foundation Youth Advisory Council (YAC) is empowering youth to inform and lead grantmaking and philanthropic activities to advance equity in Kalamazoo County. It's an honor to work alongside and learn from youth leaders, like Fayyaz Razi, throughout Kalamazoo County in this capacity.
Fayyaz is a student at Portage Central High School and Kalamazoo Area Mathematics and Science Center. He has been a member of the YAC since October of 2020.
What inspired you to become a member of the YAC?

What inspired you to become a member of the YAC?
I joined the YAC to make a difference in my community. Joining the YAC was my way of trying to push for change in the world around me.
What does philanthropy mean to you?
Philanthropy is the action of helping and assisting others in a variety of ways, whether it be through money or with actual labor.
What has been your favorite grant or project you've worked on with YAC?
What has been your favorite grant or project you've worked on with YAC?
My favorite activity that I have done with the YAC is the meetings with TRHT (Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation) Kalamazoo. I really enjoy the discussions and I feel like I am making a positive difference in the community around me through the meetings.
This article was featured in the latest issue of our UPDATE newsletter.
Read the full issue as a digital magazine.